Installations with Marimekko fabrics and Artek furniture for the exhibition >Ort< in Haus der Architektur Graz, March 2005. ©Robert Illemann
Installations with Marimekko fabrics and Artek furniture for the exhibition >Ort< in Haus der Architektur Graz, March 2005. ©Robert Illemann
Showcase and Marimekko fabric installation in the exhibition >Form und Funktion im Norden Europas< in Kunstuniversität Linz, May 2004.
Project idea and concept for a temporary art-sauna on Mariahilferplatz,Graz in September 2003 with the finish >Höyry Klubi< collective. Read more about this project of Graz 2003 – Cultural Capitol […]